This report allows you to analyse how many leads are being flagged and the corresponding reasons as to why. Additionally, if you use the call centre functionality you can check how the what Call Centre status leads are in.
Full description of all visuals at the bottom of the page.
- Here you can filter the data by time frame (max 24 months) and Advertisers, Campaigns and Publishers.
Lead Flagging
- This gives you a breakdown of how many leads have been flagged, also you can filter this by QA status and 2nd Check flag.
Lead Flag Comments
- Here you can see the reasons as to why leads were flagged and valid or invalid.
Call Center
- Here you can see a full breakdown of Call Centre leads. You can also filter the data in the table by campaign, publisher and call centre status.
- Confirmed - Validated by User
- Unconfirmed - Yet to be verified
- Rejected - Invalidated by User
Detailed Breakdown of all visuals
Visual Title | Definition |
Flagged Leads By Flag Status |
Description: Shows the number of flagged leads created grouped by flag status (Valid, Invalid, Test). Flag status is based on what the lead is currently flagged as. Filtered by:
No. Of Leads Flagged By Flag Date |
Description: Column chart showing the number of flagged leads created grouped by flag status (Valid, Invalid, Test) over time. Flag status is based on what the lead is currently flagged as. Filtered by:
{2nd check flag} 2nd check flags for {QA status} QA statuses |
Description: Column chart showing the number of flagged leads grouped by flag status (Valid, Invalid, Test) and QA status. Flag status is based on what the lead is currently flagged as. QA status can be selected using the QA status filter. Filtered by:
{2nd check flag} Flag Reasons For {QA status} QA Statuses |
Description: Bar chart showing the number of flagged leads grouped by flag reason (Valid, Invalid, Test). Flag reason bars can be selected to filter the ‘Lead Flag Comments’ visual to only comments linked to the selected reason. Filtered by:
Lead Flag Comments |
Description: Pivot table showing the number of flagged leads by:
Filtered by:
Is Call Centre Active? |
Description: Table showing the number of selected campaigns which have call centre functionality enabled. Filtered by:
No. Of Leads Without A Call Centre Status |
Description: KPI showing the number of leads that do not have a call centre contact status. Filtered by:
No. Of Leads By Call Centre Status |
Description: Column chart showing the number of leads grouped by call centre status (Confirmed, Rejected, Unconfirmed). Filtered by:
Leads By Call Centre Status And Campaign |
Description: Pivot table showing the number of leads grouped by:
Filtered by: