This report gives you the ability to understand any potential risk of not delivering campaigns.
Full description of all visuals at the bottom of the page.
- Here you can filter the data by Account Manager, Campaign Manager, Campaign Status, Paused Status and Advertisers.
Campaign Report Overview
- Here you have a top-level view of campaigns and the associated risk given to them.
- Users have the option to configure risk calculation.
- Campaign risk is calculated by the following ratio: % of lead requirement unfulfilled / % of time remaining.
- Users have the option to configure risk calculation.
- Validation will prompt if the Low risk is greater than the High risk.
Campaigns With Associated Risk Level (In Progress Only)
- This is a scatter diagram that visually represents the potential risk of not delivering campaigns.
- For example, campaigns in the top right have been categorised as high-risk campaigns.
Campaign Risk & Detail
- Here is the breakdown for the above visual, additionally when interacting with the table this will give you a more detailed breakdown of the campaign information.
Publisher Risk
- The table below gives a breakdown of the publisher's risk
Publisher band Risk
- The table below gives a breakdown of the publisher risk by publisher bands
Detailed Breakdown of all visuals
Visual Title | Definition |
Campaigns By Status |
Description: Shows the number of campaigns for each status (Completed, In Progress, Upcoming). Status is defined by the campaign start and end dates:
Filtered by:
Campaign Risk Level & Status |
Description: Shows the number of campaigns (see definition above) grouped by their risk status for each status (High Risk, Medium Risk, Low Risk, Not Categorised). Status is calculated by (% of leads remaining/ % of days remaining) on a campaign. The result of this calculation gives a ‘risk score'. The boundaries for the groups can be modified by changing the risk score thresholds on the 'Campaign Overview’ page.
Filtered by:
Total No. Of Campaigns |
Description: Shows the total number of campaigns depending on the chosen filters. Filtered by:
Paused Campaigns |
Description: Shows the total number of paused campaigns depending on the chosen filters. Filtered by:
Completed |
Description: Shows the total number of completed campaigns depending on the chosen filters. Filtered by:
In Progress |
Description: Shows the total number of in progress campaigns depending on the chosen filters. Filtered by:
Upcoming |
Description: Shows the total number of upcoming campaigns depending on the chosen filters. Filtered by:
Median campaign duration (days) |
Description: Shows the median duration in days of the selected campaigns. Filtered by:
Average campaign duration (days) |
Description: Shows the average (mean) duration in days of the selected campaigns. Filtered by:
Campaigns With Associated Risk Level (In Progress Only) |
Description: Shows the distribution of in progress campaigns based on the % of days completed (x-axis) and % of leads still required (y-axis). Campaigns are coloured based of their risk status:
Filtered by:
Campaign Risk |
Description: Gives a number of details about the selected campaigns:
Can select a campaign to filter the ‘Campaign Detail’ table visual to the left of this visual. Filtered by:
Campaign Detail |
Description: Gives details about a particular campaign. The campaign can be selected by clicking on a campaign in the ‘Campaign Risk’ visual to the left of this one. The blue arrow in this visual (on the campaign row) can be clicked to go to ‘Campaign Report’ page, filtering to the chosen campaign. Filtered by: