This report allows you to visualise data across multiple campaigns, along with giving an understanding of domain, company and asset engagement
Full description of all visuals at the bottom of the page.
- Here you can filter the data by Advertiser, Publisher, Paused Status and Campaigns.
Multi-Campaign Overview
- Here is a visual breakdown of the leads across multiple campaigns
- The visual helps portray lead delivery pacing over multiple campaigns, you can configure this in the weekly pacing input, which will then update the visual (example is set to 70)
- Green - at threshold
- Yellow - above threshold (
- Red - below threshold
Financial Overview
- This gives a financial breakdown across multiple campaigns (Full description of all visuals at the bottom of the page).
Campaign Field Coverage
- This section allows you to see any data mismatches, for the data you have selected.
- For example for the 12 campaigns that have been selected 8 out of the 9 fields have matched 100% which means when visualising the data you are looking at the full data set.
Example 1 full data set
Example 2 Not full data set
Field Grouping
- In some instances, we automatically group selected fields together for example in the below image we have grouped company_size and companysize under Company Size
- For a full breakdown of how we group selected fields, please see the full breakdown under Field Names Associated With Groups
Data Visualisation
- Here you can get a visual representation of the lead data from the selected campaigns (PII data for these fields have been removed- firstName, lastName, email, telephone)
- You can select to display the data either in a Bart Chart or a Donut
- Additionally, when configuring the Bar chart you can select a number of leads or Percentage %
Asset Breakdown
- Here you can see the asset names for the selected campaign
- Note: this will only be populated if you collect the fields
- asset_downloaded__c
- asset_name
- Asset
- asset_downloaded
- asset
- assetname
- whitepaperName
- Note: this will only be populated if you collect the fields
Email Domain And Companies Touched
- Here gives you a breakdown of domains and companies that have submitted leads with your selected campaign
Visual Title | Definition |
Total Leads By Status |
Description: Donut chart showing the number of leads created for the campaign split by lead status (Valid, Invalid, Caution, Test, Processing). Leads that are currently undergoing processing and have not yet been assigned a lead status on the Convertr platform are given the ‘Processing’ status. Statuses can be clicked on to select them and filter the lead demographic, asset and companies visuals to only the selected lead statues e.g. only show valid leads. Filtered by:
Weekly Pacing |
Description: Column chart showing the number of valid leads created for the campaign by week. A weekly pacing threshold can be set in the ‘Weekly Pacing’ parameter above this chart. Weeks are coloured based on now many valid leads were created that weeks compared to the set pacing threshold:
Filtered by:
Currency |
Description: To normalise payout numbers across multiple campaigns, the base currency of the Convertr client is used. All payout and CPL numbers use the base currency. This visual shows the symbol of the base currency. Filtered by:
Margin |
Description: Margin is calculated as the difference between the total advertiser payout and the total publisher payout for the selected campaign. Filtered by:
Advertiser Payout |
Description: This is the total advertiser payout for the selected campaign in the Convertr client’s base currency Filtered by:
Advertiser Billable Leads |
Description: This is the total number of advertiser billable leads for the selected campaign. Filtered by:
Avg. Advertiser CPL |
Description: This is the average advertiser cost per lead (CPL) for all valid leads for the selected campaign. Filtered by:
Publisher Payout |
Description: This is the total publisher payout for the selected campaign in the Convertr client’s base currency Filtered by:
Publisher Billable Leads |
Description: This is the total number of publisher billable leads for the selected campaign. Filtered by:
Avg. Publisher CPL |
Description: This is the average advertiser cost per lead (CPL) for all valid leads for the selected campaign. Filtered by:
Campaign Field Coverage |
Description: This table shows all of the leads data fields/field groups that can be reported on for the selected campaigns. It includes the following information:
THe row is highlighted red if the field/field group is not used in 100% of the campaigns selected. This is to make the user aware that reporting on these fields in the field bar/pie charts on this page will not be representative of all of the campaigns they have selected in the filters. A row is highlighted in green if the opposite if true and the field/field group is used in 100% of the selected campaigns. Filtered by:
Field Names Associated With Groups |
Description: This table shows the key field groups and by expanding the table also shows the field names included in the group. It also shows the number of selected campaigns associated with the group. (state, stateprov, state_or_province, stateprovince, province, stateorprovince) = State_Province (revenue, annual_revenue, company_revenue, annualrevenue, annual_revenue_range__c, revenue_range, estimated_annual_revenue, companyrevenue) = Revenue (purchasing_role, decisionmakingrole, DecisionMakingRole, purchaser_role) = Purchasing role (job_function, jobfunction, business_function) = Job function (jobdepartment, department, job_department) = Department (country_code, countryCode) = Country code (company_name, company, companyname) = Company name (number_of_employees, companysize, company_size, employee_size, numberofemployees) = Company size (company_type, companytype) = Company type All other fields are classed as ungrouped. Some campaigns have no lead data fields. Filtered by:
Campaigns Not Containing ‘Group’ |
Description: This table shows the campaigns which do not contain the chosen field/field group for the selected campaigns. This allows a user to identify which campaigns to exclude in order to achieve full campaign coverage when reporting on fields. Filtered by:
Field 1 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 1. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 1 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 1 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Field 2 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 2. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 2 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 2 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Field 3 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 3. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 3 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 3 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Field 4 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 4. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 4 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 4 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Field 5 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 5. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 5 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 5 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Field 6 - No. Of Answers |
Description: The total number of answer/responses for the chosen field 6. Note: This still counts answers of ‘Empty’ or ‘Missing’ as answers if they are the literal answer given. Only if no answers exists is it then not counted. Filtered by:
Field 6 - top 10 |
Description: Chart showing the top 10 answers to the selected field 6 e.g. if country is selected, this shows the top 10 countries with the number of leads associated with this answer for the selected campaign. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual, for example you may only want to see which countries were the top 10 for valid leads only. Additionally the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Chart type can be changed from bar to donut chart. The metric can be changed from ‘No. of leads’ to ‘% of leads’. Filtered by:
Assets |
Description: Chart showing the assets used in the selected campaign and the number of leads linked to the asset. This is affected by the lead status chosen in the ‘Total Leads By Status’ visual. Additionally, the billable leads filter can be used to filter by. Filtered by:
Email Domain And Companies Touched |
Description: Table showing the email domain, company name and how many leads they had. Company name is found using the fields: The most commonly used company name found for the email domain is used. Filtered by: