This report gives you a full breakdown of lead processing and what processor jobs leads after failing on.
Full description of all visuals at the bottom of the page.
- Here you can filter the data by time frame (max 24 months) and Advertisers, Campaigns and Publishers.
Processing Overview
- Here is a general breakdown of validation rates across the platform.
- Here is a breakdown by job category
Breakdown of Jobs
Processr Job | Validation Bucket |
Conditional Data Append | Conditional |
Conditional Mapping Check | Condition |
Conditional Validation | Conditional |
Constraints Check | Format |
Convertr Connect - Simple Conditional Validation | Operational |
Convertr Connect - Validation List | Operational |
Date Format Check | Format |
Duplicate Email Check | Duplication |
Duplicate Email For Same Publisher | Duplication |
Duplicate Field Check | Duplication |
Duplicate Telephone Number Check | Duplication |
Eloqua Campaign ID Lookup | Duplication |
Eloqua Duplicate Email | Duplication |
Enterprise Duplicate Email Check | Duplication |
First and Last Name Check | Operational |
First and Last Name Length Check | First-Party QA |
Global Telephone test | Quality |
Global Telephone test 2 | Quality |
Last Bounce Email Verification | Quality |
LastBounce Telephone Verification | Quality |
Lead Field Not Empty | Quality |
Lead within time period | Operational |
Length check of given field | First-Party QA |
Live Email Validation Check | Quality |
Live Email Validation Check 2 | Quality |
Live International Telephone Check | Quality |
Live UK Telephone Check | Quality |
Marketo Duplicate Email | Duplication |
Multi Field Condition Check | Conditional |
Multiple Empty Fields Check | First-Party QA |
Multiple Field Duplication | Duplication |
Multiple Short Values Check | First-Party QA |
Name is comprised of likely characters | Quality |
Non Standard Character Check | First-Party QA |
Post Code Validation Check | Validation |
Profanity Check | First-Party QA |
Rapid Post Check | First-Party QA |
Repeated Character Check | First-Party QA |
Repeated Value Check | First-Party QA |
Required Value Check | First-Party QA |
Simple Conditional Validation | Operational |
Suppressed Email Check | Suppression |
Suppressed Email Check (Global) | Suppression |
Suppressed Name Check | Suppresion |
Suppressed Telephone Check | Suppression |
Telephone Format Check | Format |
Test Data Check | Quality |
UK Telephone Preference Check | Validation |
Validation List Check | Operational |
Value Transforms | Operational |
Vowel Check | First-Party QA |
- Here is the top 5 jobs for your filters
Lead QA Failures
All the visuals in this section interact with each other, for more precise filtering.
No. Of Job Failures By Publisher
- This visual gives a breakdown of how many job failures have occurred per publisher.
Job Failure Detail
- This visual gives an overall view of which processor jobs have failed the most.
No. Of Job Failures By Job
- This visual gives you the percentage weighting of the jobs that have failed.
Campaign Breakdown
- This allows you to see the number of lead failures by Publisher and by Campaign.
Job Failures Over Time
- This visual shows the number of job failures and which jobs across a given timeframe.
- Here you can see what leads failed on a particular integration, you can break this down by Campaign and Integration type.
Processing Volumes
- Here you can see total reprocessing rates (based on your filters)
- Users can filter by Advertiser, Campaign or Publisher
- Users can set a minimum number of Reprocessed leads (this will impact the visual)
- For example this is only showing advertiser with a minimum of 100 leads that have been reprocessed
- Here is a breakdown of leads that have been processed and reprocessed.
- Yser can specify different time periods
- Days
- Weeks
- Month
- Quarter
- Year
- Yser can specify different time periods
- Here is finally a full breakdown of the data.
Detailed Breakdown of all visuals
Visual Title | Definition |
Total Leads By Status |
Description: Shows the number of leads created grouped by status (Valid, Invalid, Caution, Test, Processing). Leads that are currently undergoing processing and have not yet been assigned a lead status on the Convertr platform are given the ‘Processing’ status. Statuses can be clicked on to select them and filter visuals to only the selected lead statues e.g. only show valid leads. Filtered by:
No. Of Leads And Lead Status % (Enterprise Level) |
Description: Combination chart (line and column) showing the no. of leads created (bar) and the different rates of each lead status (lines). Filtered by:
No. Of Job Failures By Publisher |
Description: Bar chart showing the number of jobs which failed within the chosen timeframe and selected filters. Bars can be clicked on to select them and dynamically filter all visuals (except for No. Of Leads And Lead Status % (Enterprise Level)) on this page to only the selected publisher. Filtered by:
Top 5 failed jobs |
Description: List of the top 5 most failed jobs based on the filtered data. Filtered by:
No. Of Job Failures By Job |
Description: Donut chart showing the number of job failures broken down by the job. Jobs in this chart can be clicked on to filter the following visuals to only this job:
Filtered by:
Job Failure Detail |
Description: Bar chart showing the further details into specific aspects of jobs that have failed. For example, the job ‘simple conditional validation’ may have failed but in this chart we will see the specifics areas of failure such as country. Bar are coloured:
Specific job details in this chart can be clicked on to filter the following visuals to only this job:
Filtered by:
Campaign Breakdown |
Description: Pivot table showing the no. of job failures by publisher and campaign. By using the filters at the top and dynamically filtering using the above visuals a user can identify which publishers/campaigns are the source of particular job failures. Filtered by:
Job Failures Over Time |
Description: Line chart showing job failures over time broken down by job. By using the filters at the top and dynamically filtering using the above visuals a user drill into a particular job and see how the no. of failures changes over time. Filtered by:
No. Of Job Failures By Job Integrations |
Description: Donut chart showing the number of job failures broken down by the integration job. Jobs in this chart can be clicked on to filter the following visuals to only this integration job:
Filtered by:
Job Failure Detail - Integrations |
Description: Column chart showing the number of job failure broken down by the specific integration job details. Filtered by:
Campaign breakdown - Integrations |
Description: Pivot table showing the no. of integration job failures by publisher and campaign. By using the filters at the top and dynamically filtering using the No. Of Job Failures By Job Integrations visual a user can identify which publishers/campaigns are the source of particular integration job failures. Campaigns in this table can be clicked on to select them and allow a user to then click on the button in the visual below which takes them to the integrations page on the platform for the chosen campaign. Filtered by:
{Campaign} integration 'go to platform' button |
Description: Button which can be clicked to take a user to the integrations page on the platform for the chosen campaign. A campaign must be selected in the Campaign breakdown - Integrations table for this to function. Filtered by: