The Fair Use Policy regulates the fair use of Convertr’s Services, which includes volume, network traffic, and bandwidth. Only customers that consistently generate high volumes of data for a sustained period will be affected by the policy.
We do understand that customers will occasionally have very high volumes of data traffic outside of normal usage patterns. If you predict these high levels please notify your CSM as soon as possible.
For more details please refer to your MSA.
Fair Usage In the Platform
Your monthly lead cap is entered into the platform to ensure the platform tracks the number of leads processsed. This also enables notifications to be sent to you when you are within a certain percentage of reaching the monthly lead cap, e.g. 80%.
Please reach out to your CSM for more information on your monthly lead caps.
Note: The in-platform notifications applies to clients on a Monthly Lead Cap. If you are on an Annual lead cap, please speak to your CSM on the best way to track this.
How do I see my notification settings?
1. Within the platform select Enterprise from the global sidebar.
2. Select the Alerts tab from the top menu.
3. Within the Enterprise Alerts section you will see 'Percentage or Leads processed reached'. This shows the trigger values for which you will be alerted when you are close to your monthly cap.
How do I see how many leads I have processed this month?
If you would like to see how many leads you have processed within a set timeframe, we recommend the following process:
1. Within the platform, select Enterprise from the global sidebar.
2. On the Overview tab, select the required date range.
3. Within the Campaign Breakdown section you will be able to see the number of leads processed per campaign.