Wednesday 01 November
Fixes and Improvements
Add the ability to password protect XLSX batch files
We have now added a new xlsx_password configuration to the Batch CSV Integration. This will now allow our users to password-protect '.xlsx' files (does not work with .csv or .txt files).
Fix for UTC timezone displayed in System Audit timestamps
Within the System audit section, the date time was displayed as UTC which was not offsetting the enterprise timezone. The date time is now displayed as an offset time based on the enterprise timezone.
Thursday 02 November
Fixes and Improvements
Add the ability to password protect XLSX batch files
We have now added a new xlsx_password configuration to the Batch CSV Integration. This will now allow our users to password-protect '.xlsx' files (does not work with .csv or .txt files).
Fix for UTC timezone displayed in System Audit timestamps
Within the System audit section, the date time was displayed as UTC which was not offsetting the enterprise timezone. The date time is now displayed as an offset time based on the enterprise timezone.
Ability to report on Marketo IDs in order to troubleshoot Integration errors
Previously when troubleshooting leads from Marketo it was difficult to pinpoint leads via an ID as this was not stored within the platform. You will now be able to see the Marketo Id passed for the lead which will make troubleshooting easier. You will also be able to report based on the Marketo ID via Lead Export and Report Builder.
Wednesday 07 November
Fixes and Improvements
Fix for filtering Lead report on Condition of Contact Status in Report Builder
When generating a Lead report in Report Builder, you may have noticed that trying to filter on ‘Contact Status' within the report builder 'Conditions’ tab, the file generated had no data. We have resolved this issue and your reports now correctly generate based on the 'Conditions' set.
Fix for Scheduled Delivery when marking Invalid leads as Undelivered
When reprocessing an Invalid lead marked as Undelivered within a Scheduled Delivery, leads were not being processed by the integration. You will now see that leads that go through this process will be processed by the integration.
Thursday 08 November
Fixes and Improvements
Fix for Scheduled Delivery when marking Invalid leads as Undelivered
When reprocessing an Invalid lead marked as Undelivered within a Scheduled Delivery, leads were not being processed by the integration. You will now see that leads that go through this process will be processed by the integration.
Report Builder > Lead Reports > Unable to filter for Contact Status
When generating a Lead report in Report Builder, you may have noticed that trying to filter on ‘Contact Status' within the report builder 'Conditions’ tab, the file generated had no data. We have resolved this issue and your reports now correctly generate based on the 'Conditions' set.
Thursday 23 November
Fixes and Improvements
Fix for QuickSight > 404 errors when loading the page
We fixed an issue related to Business Insights page load where, when clicking on the Business Insights menu item showed 404 error while the page was loading. Users will now see a spinner while the Business Insights data loads.