This article will go through all of the different types of information presented to you on the Enterprise section of the platform.
Setup Process
1. Ensure you have logged onto the platform and select Enterprise from the left menu bar.
2. From here you can view an Overview of all of the campaigns on the Enterprise. Enter a Start and End date and select View.
3. You will be able to see your:
a. Current Revenue
i. This is the total amount of revenue to date
b. Current Potential Revenue
i. This is your potential revenue of all current active campaigns
c. Number of Active Campaigns.
i. This is the number of current active campaigns
4. The Campaign Breakdown will provide an overview per campaign of the number for leads for the different lead types.
5. The Data Breakdown shows you an itemised list of the Packages on the enterprise and the number of packages Purchased, Remaining and Consumed. This list can be downloaded by clicking CSV.