The Campaign Admin section contains all of the settings that were configured during the setup process, the majority of which can be altered/updated after the campaign has been created.
It is also the home of multiple settings, such as Value Transforms, Publisher Bands, and Score- and Value-Based Routing, which can all be enabled from here. We will run through each section below.
1. At the top of the page, you have the options to delete, pause or duplicate your campaign.
- Delete - This is a permanent change and cannot be reversed. Any lead data associated with the campaign will be lost. You will be prompted to confirm your action:
- Pause - This setting allows you to temporarily suspend activity on the platform. You can select the date and time at which the campaign will pause.
- NB: The pause functionality will not affect API imports, so you will need to inform any publishers who are importing via API of the campaign's paused status.
- Duplicate - This feature allows you to create a new campaign based on the existing campaign, with the option to import the same Publishers, landing pages and form(s), payout bands and Value Transforms. Click here for more information -How to Duplicate a Campaign.
2. On the Metrics tab, you will see the following sections:
- Performance Model - This refers to the type of the campaign, and will usually be CPL. This cannot be altered once the campaign has been set up.
- Sector - This will be set to either B2B, B2C or Both, and cannot be altered once the campaign has been set up.
- Category - The category for this campaign will be found here. The categories are custom, and are configured under the Enterprise section.
- Start Date - This is the date the campaign will become active.
- End Date - This is the date when the campaign will end, if it is not fulfilled beforehand.
- Publisher Imports and Exports - This toggle allows you to enable and disable the import and export functionality for Publishers assigned to the campaign. This is useful during periods of inactivity, or when the campaign rules are being updated.
3. On the Owner tab, you will see the following sections:
- Advertiser - This is the Advertiser which the campaign is set up under, and cannot be changed.
- Campaign Name - This is the name of the campaign that will be displayed across the platform.
- Account Manager - This field is not mandatory, and can be used as metadata for extra reporting and categorisation.
- Campaign Manager - Similar to the Account Manager field; this field can be used for internal reference when reporting and categorising.
- Country - This field is not mandatory, but can be used for internal reference.
- Purchase/IO Number - This field is not mandatory, but can be used for internal reference.
- Additional Reference Number - This field is not mandatory, but can be used for internal reference.
4. The Financials tab contains the following fields:
- Currency - This is the currency that the leads will be charged in, and cannot be changed.
- Conversion Rate - This is configured automatically by the platform, and shows the exchange rate if the currency is different to the platform's base currency.
- Publisher Bands - This toggle allows you to enable Publisher Bands.
- Volume Required - This is the campaign's total allocation.
- Total Contract Value - This is the value of the campaign, i.e. the total amount that can be spent.
- Payout Metric - This indicates how the Advertiser payout is calculated.
- Per Action Payout Amount - Also known as the CPL or cost per lead, this is how much is charged for each lead.
- Publisher Payout Metric - This indicates how the Publisher's payout is calculated.
- Default Publisher Rate - This determines how much of the CPL is given to the publishers. We recommend setting this at 100%.
- Default Sale Value - If using ROI functionality, this is the default value that will be appended to a lead if the ROI tag is fired and a value is not provided.
- Default Sale Currency - Related to the above field - this is the currency of the Sale Value, which may be different to the campaign's currency.
5. In the Permissions section, you can determine which users have access to the campaign. Use the toggles beside the users, or use the Grant All button to grant access for all listed users.
If the campaign is duplicated, you have the option to carry the permissions over from the original campaign when duplicating. If duplicating across Advertisers, any users without access to the new Advertiser will not have their permissions carried over.
6. In the Delivery section, you can determine settings based on the integration(s).
- Real Time Delivery - This toggle enables the integration. If disabled, leads will not integrate.
- Score Based Routing - This toggle allows you to enable Score Based Routing, which will only integrate leads that meet a particular lead score.
- Value Based Routing - This toggle allows you to enable Value Based Routing, which can be configured to allow leads with certain values to integrate with particular integrations.
- Call Centre Services - This toggle allows you to enable Call Centre Functionality. If enabled, leads cannot be integrated until approved by a Call Centre user.
- Welcome Email - If enabled, the campaign will send out a welcome email to the lead once it reaches the campaign. The email will need to be configured under the Creatives>Asset section, and is typically a B2C feature.
- Double Optin - If using Double Optin on your campaign, this can be enabled by switching the toggle to the On position.
- Send Media Kit - This toggle will send any assets on the campaign to the assigned Publishers.
- Hold Publisher Over Delivery - This toggle allows you to prevent Publishers from uploading additional leads once their allocation has been met, if enabled.
- Lead Process Delay - This feature will delay the lead from being processed for a certain amount of time.
- Unavailable Campaign Logic - If using a live form, this setting allows you to determine what happens when your form is found once the campaign has ended.
- Redirect URL - If the 'Redirect to URL' setting is selected in the Unavailable Campaign Logic section, this box allows you to input the URL that leads will be redirected to upon completion of the campaign.
- End Date Extension - This relates to forms and landing pages, and will allow leads to be sent to the campaign via a form or landing page after the campaign's end date has been reached.
Stale Leads Threshold - This is a campaign configuration that allows admin and agency users to set a threshold for how long they want valid leads to be idle in the platform before they are considered 'Stale'. After the configured time period (days) Stale leads will be automatically flagged as invalid. You can report on the number of stale leads by filtering leads on the conditions tab using the 2nd Check Flag Reason with the value of Stale. Please note that leads that are in the processr status of "On Hold - Pending Batch" will be ignored but will be applied to all other statuses.
7. In the Advanced tab, you will see the following sections:
- Publisher Notes - This section allows you to compose notes on the campaign, which can be seen by Publisher users within the Campaign Information section.
- Facebook Offline Event Set ID - This feature allows conversions in an offline event set within Facebook, and the ID for this can be input here.
- Business Manager User Access Token - The access token for Facebook's Business Managers to use the Offline Event Set can be input here.
- Campaign API Key - This is the API key for the campaign, which can be used to send leads to the campaign.
- Publisher Names - This toggle allows you to mask or unmask the names of the Publishers assigned to the campaign for Advertiser users. If masked, they can be differentiated by their publisher ID values.
- Value Transforms - This toggle allows you to enable Value Transforms, which can be used to transform and manipulate data from the campaign.
- Test Mode - This toggle allows you to enable Test Mode, which will push leads through to integrations regardless of whether they are valid, invalid or caution. Once delivered successfully, they have the second check status of Test appended to them, and will not be billable.
- Publisher Contract Auto Signing - This toggle allows you enable autosign of Publishers' contracts.
- Manual Score - If enabled, this will allow you to set a minimum lead score for the campaign.
- Minimum Lead Quality Score - If Manual Score is enabled, this field will become available for the minimum lead score to be set.
- Show Simple Conditional Validation Jobs & Show Validation List Check Jobs - These two sections allow you to make any Simple Conditional and Validation List Check jobs visible to Publisher users.
8. Ensure to click Save after making any changes.