Hold Publisher Over Delivery is a setting within your campaigns that allows you to configure whether or not a publisher can overdeliver leads once their lead allocation has been met.
When it comes to over-delivery, you have two options within your campaign - if this setting is enabled, then when a publisher has met their allocation, any additional leads that they submit will enter an on-hold status. This means that they will not be delivered, and will remain in Convertr.
If the setting is disabled, then the lead will go through to the integration.
To change this setting, you will need to change it within your campaign's configuration.
1. From the dashboard, navigate to your chosen campaign and select Admin > Setup.
2. In this section, navigate to the Delivery tab. In this section, you will find the option 'Hold Publisher Over Delivery'. You can change this option using the toggle.
- Yes: This means that when a publisher overdelivers to a campaign, any leads that have come in over their allocation will not be delivered via the integration. These leads will be kept within the campaign, and their Processr Status will be updated to show that they are overdelivered.
- No: This means that when a publisher overdelivers to a campaign, their leads will continue to flow through the integration automatically, until the campaign lead cap is met. These leads will not be listed as overdelivered and importantly the leads will not be billable for publisher. This is because they are still over the publisher's allocation.
What's important to note with this option is that the leads will still be billable to advertiser. This means that they will still contribute to the overall campaign's cap and once that cap is met, the campaign will end.
For example, if you have 2 publishers each with 50 leads allocated to them and a campaign cap of 100 then it is possible that one publisher can deliver all 100 leads. While only 50 will be billable to publisher, all 100 will be billable to advertiser. This means that the campaign will end as the campaign cap has been met, and the second publisher will be unable to fulfil their allocation.
In this scenario, you may want to artificially increase your campaign cap, to ensure the campaign does not end before you would like it to.
If your campaign is uncapped, then you don't need to worry about the campaign cap, as the campaign will accept an unlimited amount of leads.
This completes the configuration for Hold Publisher Over Delivery, but there's still more that you can do! If you would like to configure whether publishers can submit an over-delivered lead into the platform at all, then see Publisher Lead Import Authorisation.