When using the Convertr platform, we always recommend using Template Campaigns. Template Campaigns allow for a streamlined and efficient campaign creation process and help ensure consistent rules and filters (jobs). In many cases, these standard settings remain the same for most campaigns and should not be altered. To safeguard this consistency, our Lock Jobs feature allows you to lock specific jobs, preventing any unintended changes. This functionality ensures that your campaigns run smoothly with the correct configurations in place.
The Lock Jobs feature provides the following benefits:
- Reduction in the risk of errors from job edits or deletions
- Maintaining compliance by ensuring all required jobs are present and correct
Important Considerations:
- Only the user types Admin and Super Users can lock jobs for the Agency user type.
- Jobs can only be ‘locked’ within campaigns marked as Template
- Once a job is locked, Agency users are restricted from editing or removing it within any campaign created from the template.
- Agency users can view the job details but cannot make any changes.
- Admin or Super Users retain full control over locked jobs. They can unlock, edit, or remove jobs as needed.
- Job groups as a whole can not be locked, however individual jobs within a group can be locked. (More detail can be found at the end of this article)
- When duplicating or Importing a Template campaign, the specific job States (Normal / Locked / Review / Reviewed ) will be duplicated as standard
- Once the locked job status is duplicated, it can not be changed in the new campaign. However, Admin and Super Users are able to update the job configurations.
How to Apply Locked Jobs
Please Note: Only Admins and super users can lock jobs within a campaign that has been marked as Template. To find out how to mark a campaign as Template please refer to the Campaign Templates article.
1. Navigate to the Processr tab within your campaign template.
2. In the Processr you will see a column called ’State’, where you can lock a job by selecting the 'Locked' option. Continue to do this for all jobs that you would like locked as a Admin or Super user.
3. The screenshots below display the views that an Agency user will see when looking in the Processr section of a Campaign Template.
- The first screenshot displays the jobs that have been locked. Additionally, since the campaign is a template type, Agency users will not have access to manage any jobs in the Processr section.
- The second shows how the Agency user can still look at the job configuration, however they cannot make any edits.
4. Create a campaign from the Campaign Template. This can be done by Duplicating the campaign template or Importing the Campaign template. Once a new campaign is created from the Campaign Template, the Processr job state can not be changed in the new campaign. However, Admin and Super Users can update the job configurations of a locked job where as Agency users are restricted for any edits.
The screenshot below shows an Admin or Super user view, where the Campaign is created from a Campaign template and the guidance notes are available in the "View Information" capsule in the top right corner and the locked job is editable for configurations.
The screenshot below shows an Agency user view, where the Campaign is created from a Campaign template and the guidance notes are available in the "View Information" capsule in the top right corner but the locked job is entirely not editable but the user can view the configurations.
Locked Jobs in Job Groups
If a job is locked and added to a Job Group by an Admin or Super User, Agency users will not be able to edit the individual job. However, they can define the Job Group conditions and, if necessary, ungroup the job from the Job Group.
Steps to add a locked job to a Job Group for Admin/Super Users:
- Add and configure the job as normal.
- Lock the configured job while it is still in the 'Independent Jobs' table.
- Move the 'Locked' job to a Job Group by selecting the job via the checkbox, then using the 'Manage Jobs' dialog to create or move it to a group.
For Agency users viewing a locked job within this group for a campaign that was duplicated or imported from the template, the 'Enabled', 'Label', and 'Stage' fields will be locked, and the 'Configure' dialog will be read-only. However, settings within the Job Conditions column will remain editable, as these settings are specific to Job Groups and not available in the 'Independent Jobs' table.