Our Twilio Connected App allows you to take advantage of Twilio's texting capabilities in order to send text messages out to your leads. It is designed to help you collect additional or missing data from your leads before sending them to your endpoints.
To use this, you must have a Twilio account which you can use for the automated texts.
Twilio Configuration
There are a few pieces of information you need to retrieve and configure from Twilio to use the Connected App. To find your API details, do the following:
1. Your Account ID, Auth Token and Number can be found on the main Twilio dashboard:
If you wish to use a different number, you can select View all numbers to locate other numbers on your account, or purchase new ones.
2. If you select View all numbers, you will be taken to a list of all the numbers you have available. You'll need to click on the one that you wish to use for the automated texts.
3. On the next page, scroll down to the Messaging section. For A Message Comes In, ensure that webhook is selected and the URL should be as below:
You will need to replace {enterprise} to reflect the platform you are configuring this on. Also ensure that it is set as a Webhook and a HTTP POST, as below.
Once you have done this, you are ready to configure your connected app in Convertr!
Convertr Configuration
Once you are logged into the platform, on the left hand side go to Connected Apps > Twilio. On the next page, click Add.
1. First, select the campaign that you want to use with Twilio:
2. Once you choose your campaign, you can fill in the information that you retrieved from Twilio.
3. Telephone Field is the field on your campaign's form that will collect the number that you want to send the texts to. You can retrieve this value from the form linked to your campaign.
4. Introduction and Conclusion are the opening and closing messages that we will send out when the lead is received. You can include whatever you like here in terms of messaging or leave them empty if you prefer. An example is below:
The Introduction will be sent in the same message that we use to request the first piece of data, from the Responses section below.
5. Message Connector is what we will use to chain multiple data requests together. You can configure the app to request multiple fields of data if you choose (more on this later), and between each request we will send this message in between if configured:
6. Retry Period is the amount of time before we attempt to send another text, if we do not receive a response from a lead. You can input the number of hours we should wait here. If you configure this, you will also need to configure a Retry Message for No Response, which is the message we will send after the Retry Period.
Once you are happy with your settings, you can click Next to proceed to the next step.
The responses tab is where you can configure which fields we need to populate with data from text messages, and what message we should send to trigger them.
1. Response Field is the form field we will use to collect the information we receive via text. Input here the name of the field you wish to collect.
You will be able to configure when we should send a text requesting this field data using the below toggles:
- Send Only If Empty: we will only request data for your chosen field if it is empty on the lead.
- Send Only If Field Does Not Contain A Number: we will only request data if the field value does not contain a number somewhere within it.
Note: The Response Field does not have to be a field on your form. However, if it is on your form we will overwrite the data that is there at the time of lead creation.
2. Input a Message. This is the message that we will send before we collect the data. The text response we receive following this message being sent out will be appended to the lead in the Response Field.
3. You can choose whether or not you have specific accepted values for your Response Field by using the Set Accepted Response Values toggle. If switched on, you can add all accepted values in the field below:
You will also need to add a Invalid Value Response, which is the message we will send if we do not receive the accepted value from the lead.
Once complete click Add to save these settings.
You then have the option to repeat these steps for any additional fields that you would like to collect. You will be able to see your saved configurations in the table at the bottom.
Finally, click Save at the bottom to complete your Twilio setup.
Once complete, your leads will now trigger the Twilio app once they enter Convertr. Leads running this app will be placed On Hold until they have responded to all texts. They will also have an extra field indicating whether a text was sent successfully.
Once all texts have been received, we will append the extra data to the lead. See below the example if you followed the configuration from this article: