When processing leads through the platform there may be instances where lead data is incorrect, either due to human error or updated client requirements. Instead of having to reupload the whole lead, the Bulk Edit functionality allows you to update a specific field or fields across multiple leads.
Key Point Considerations:
- When submitting leads to be bulk edited they will be automatically be reprocessed
- This is important to note as a reprocessed lead acts as a new lead, therefore this is important to note if you have any contracted volumes or invalid lead terms with your client.
- Only Invalid and Caution Leads will be editable
This document is split into two parts:
- Part 1 - How to export your Invalid Leads and their IDs
- Part 2 - How to Bulk Edit
Part 1 - How to Export your Invalid Leads and their IDs
1. Log into the Convertr Platform, select the Publisher Name you are delivering for, and within the Actions column select the Export Leads icon. This will launch the 3-step module which walks through the process.
2. Confirm the Advertiser and Publisher within the Set Up section, along with any other options you would like to set for your report. Toggle the 'Export to CSV' option, as this will provide a report without a report summary at the top of the file. Select Next to continue.
3. Within the Columns section, select the appropriate fields, ensuring they are added in the Output Columns section. You can select one or multiple fields at a time. Select Next to continue.
4. In the Conditions section, specify which leads (Valid, Invalid, etc.) this will apply to and select Export. This will export a CSV file where you can subsequently make edits to the relevant data.
Part 2 - How to Bulk Edit
Please ensure you have your leads and corresponding lead IDs in a CSV file.
1. Log into the Convertr Platform, select the Publisher Name you are delivering for, and within the Actions column select the Bulk Edit icon.
2. Select your form in the dropdown.
3. Use the Browse Files button, or drag and drop your file, then click Next.
4. The Mapping screen confirms that the form fields from your file are mapped to the corresponding fields in the platform. To complete this step:
a. Ensure the lead ID form field is mapped to the CSV Mapping Field 'id'
b. Ensure that any other fields you are editing are mapped correctly from the Form Field to the CSV Mapping Field
c. For any fields you are not updating, ensure that the CSV Mapping Field says 'Do Not Change'
d. Click Next
5. Use the Import Preview screen to confirm that all data will be uploaded to the correct fields, and use the orange notification bar to check the number of leads that will be updated.
6. Agree to the terms and conditions of this action, then click Save.
7. An additional validation modal will appear prompting you to confirm and type the number of leads you will be editing.
8. Click Save.
Any changes made to leads will be referenced in the Notes section of the lead details