We can pass lead data to Custom Objects in the Eloqua platform using the Create/Update Eloqua integration. In order to continue with this article please ensure you have set up the Mappings and the API details within your Eloqua job; if not, please refer to The Create/Update Eloqua Integration Job for more information.
Please note: For this process, you will need access to an HTTP Client such as Postman to retrieve the Custom Object IDs and Field IDs.
This article is one of five that will walk you through all the different components that may be used within our Eloqua integrations, the other articles can be found as below:
- Introduction To Eloqua And How To Create Your Custom Application In Eloqua
- The Integrate To Eloqua Job
- The Create/Update Eloqua Integration Job
- Integrating To Eloqua Custom Fields
- Eloqua Custom Objects And Fields - This Article
Video Walkthrough
Setup Process
1. Navigate to your chosen campaign, and go to Processr > Integration. Click Add Job, then select Create/Update Eloqua Integration
2. Within the configuration scroll down to the Custom Objects section. In order to complete this section we will need:
- Object ID
- Field Values and IDs
3. To get these values from Eloqua:
a. Access your Eloqua instance and go to your Custom Objects area
b. Select your Custom Object from the left menu bar.
c. This will show you the fields within this Custom Object, to get the Custom Object IDs and the Field IDs we need to use a HTTP client such as Postman to obtain these details (In this example we will use Postman).
i) Within Postman, enter the URL to the Custom Object
ii) Within the Authorization tab enter the Username and the Password for the Eloqua instance
iii) Once you click Send it will return a list of the Custom Objects and their Ids available in Eloqua. Scroll down to your relevant Custom Object and identify the "id" field, which will provide you with the Custom Object ID needed within the Convertr platform, in this instance it is 18.
4. Back in the Convertr Platform, enter your Custom Object ID into the objectId field within the custom objects
5. Back in Postman we need to get the Custom Object Field IDs, edit the URL by removing the 's' from customobjects, and replace this with /customobjectid e.g /customobject18 and click send
6. Similarly to previously this will provide all the fields that are within that Custom Object, scroll down to the field you would like to add to the platform, and pull the ID for example 141
7. Back in the platform enter this field ID within your custom object
8. Next to the value field select which Convertr field value to match this against
9. Continue adding additional fields and objects as the steps above and click Save when finished