In this article we will take you through how to set up the Integrate with Eloqua job. This job allows direct integration into the Eloqua system using both a Basic method and an OAuth Method. The below article and video will walk you through the setup of both and how to map fields within the integrations.
If you are requiring Custom Fields or Custom Objects please use the below articles to help:
This article is one of five that will walk you through all the different components that may be used within our Eloqua integrations, the other articles can be found as below:
- Introduction To Eloqua And How To Create Your Custom Application In Eloqua
- The Integrate To Eloqua Job - This Article
- The Create/Update Eloqua Integration Job
- Integrating To Eloqua Custom Fields
- Eloqua Custom Objects And Fields
1. Navigate to your chosen campaign, and go to Processr > Integration. Click Add Job, then select Integrate with Eloqua.
2. For configuring we can choose basic Authentication or Oauth
a) Configuring the Basic Authentication Type
As standard, the Basic Authentication is pre-selected. To continue with the Basic Authentication method simple leave the field 'authentication_type' as 'basic' and fill out the rest of the fields:
- Username
- Password
- Site (Company Name on Eloqua login page)
- ApiURL
b) Configuring the OAuth Authentication Type
If you choose to use OAuth Authentication Type, select the field Oauth from the Authentication Type dropdown
Note: You will notice that the field 'site' is removed and instead of Username & Password, Client-id & Client_secret appears.
You need to fill out following fields to configure Oauth.
- Client ID
- Client Secret
To get these details, please ensure you have created a Custom Application within Eloqua. Details on how to do this can be found here.
You will also notice that as you add the Eloqua details, the 'Get Eloqua Token' button will become available. This button will generate the Eloqua OAuth Token.
After selecting the Get Eloqua Token button, you will be taken through to the Eloqua instance. Here you will need to login with the details provided to you by the client to confirm the connection.
Once you have logged in you will get a message asking you to confirm the connection. Select Accept.
Finally, you will be shown the Eloqua OAUTH Token screen which confirms that the connection is successful.
5. The next step is to enter the clients' field names. The core data field names are entered into the mapping section, as below.
Please note: The clients' field names should be entered on the left and the matching Convertr field names are entered on the right.
You can find the names of the core data fields on the Eloqua documentation, and select the ones you need.
6. Once you have completed the mapping, the integration is complete and ready to test. It will look like the below: