During a campaign lifecycle, it is likely that campaign details are changed or updated. These updates can affect users like yourself who are delivering to the campaign. The Publisher notification feature allows campaign managers to send campaign updates to Publishers via in-platform notifications or via email.
This document outlines this feature from a Publisher User perspective, if you are a campaign manager please refer to this document.
- Within the Campaigns section of your login, within the Campaign Status column, an exclamation mark will appear whenever there is an unread change shared with you.
Additionally, you will see a toggle to show only campaigns that have unread updates.
If you hover over the exclamation mark and click the 'See the changes' this will open the Activity Feed. This feed will show you items that have changed alongside any previous changes shared with you.
Click Mark as Read next to the relevant update to let Campaign Managers know that the change has been acknowledged.
- The change is now marked as read and isn't highlighted anymore.
Please note: You can see both read and unread changes at any time in the Activity Feed tab of the Campaign Information.
Does the sharing summary include changes that my colleagues made to the same campaign?
In-platform updates are at Publisher organisation level, not individual Publisher users. This means that whenever the change is shared with a certain Publisher organisation, all its users will see the update.
Also, marking the update as read will mark it as read for all users in the Publisher organisation. It is important for at least one user in the Publisher organisation to acknowledge the change that was shared with them.
Will I still get an email notifying me about the change in addition to in-platform notifications?
Yes, an email will be sent to a list of email recipients that Campaign Manager chooses to include.
Will I see both new and historical changes for my campaigns?
You will only see changes in the campaign when Campaign Manager shares it using the Publisher Notifications - Sharing Campaign Changes feature. You won't see them for older changes that were not shared using this feature.
Your Feedback
We're looking forward to hearing about your experience with this feature and if there is anything we can improve about it.