Setup Process
1. Log onto the platform and select the correct campaign.
2. Go to the Creatives tab, then select Assets.
3. Each email asset is assigned to each individual publisher; it is important to note the number that is assigned to each publisher - in this example it is 1.
4. Go to the Tracking tab, then click Links.
5. Select Add Link.
6. Enter a Link Name. It is recommended that the Link Name is the same as the Publishers name so that it is easy to identify each individual Publisher Link.
7. The Placeholder number should match the number on the email asset of the publisher. In this example it is 1, (as shown in step 3). This number MUST change for each publisher.
8. Set the link status to Enabled.
9. Select the Type of link.
10. Copy and paste the Default Destination URL provided to you.
11. Extra notes can be added if required.
12. Check all the details are correct and click Save. Continue this for each publisher, ensuring that the placeholder changes for each publisher.