During a campaign lifecycle, it is likely that campaign details are changed or updated. These updates can affect those managing campaigns and those who are delivering campaigns (Publishers). To ensure communication between Campaign Managers and Publishers, the Publisher Notification feature allows Campaign Managers to easily update and share new campaign information with the Publishers via email.
Currently, this feature is available to the Admin, Agency and Power User Roles. If you are a Publisher, more information can be found here.
Setup Process
To utilise this feature you will need to add, remove, or change one or multiple Processr jobs in the campaign.
Please note: If multiple users make a change, a summary will be sent to the Publisher, rather than an email per update.
- Once you have made a change, the yellow notification bar will appear prompting you to Review and Share this change with the Publishers:
Please note:
- Simple Conditional Validation and Validation List Check Jobs aren't included in the current version. You will need to update Publishers about changes in these jobs using another communication method
- The banner will appear on all pages of the campaign except Reports
- Click 'Review and Share' to open a modal which contains two items:
- An automated summary of the updates made in the Processr - This can be updated to remove any items you may not want to share
- The list of Publishers who you may want to notify of the change - Within this part, you can easily remove Publishers who you do not want to notify, alongside adding additional email addresses of those you may want to add in addition to the list.
Please note: We recommend adding in an explanation of the change to ensure the Publishers are kept up to date.
- Once updated, click 'Share' to send the change email notification.
What the Publishers will receive
Each Publisher in the list will receive the following email:
Additionally, Publishers will see the shared change in their dashboard:
See details in this article.
Skipping Sharing of the Change
Sometimes, you may want to keep the change internal and skip notifying Publishers about it. We recommend you only do this when there is no action required from Publishers to keep sending valid leads with the change.
Please note: Only the current change will be skipped. If you introduce new changes, the 'Review and Share' panel will appear again, and you will be able to share new changes with Publishers regularly.
- Click 'Don't Share' button.
- Confirm the action.
- This change won't be shared with Publishers and the 'Review and Share' panel will be removed.
Does the sharing summary include changes that my colleagues made to the same campaign?
Yes. The sharing of the changes is campaign-level, not per-user. In the sharing form, we summarise all the Processr job changes that haven't yet been shared with publishers, no matter if they were introduced by you or your colleagues.
After the changes are shared, the 'Review and Share' panel is removed for all users until new changes in the Processr jobs.
How can publishers ensure they don't miss emails that notify them about changes in the campaigns?
We understand it isn't always easy to identify important emails that need action that are sent from the Convertr platform. Therefore we recommend within your email settings adding a filter for the subject prefix "[Convertr Campaign Change]" followed by the enterprise name to filter these emails to your inbox.
Coming Next
As this feature develops we will be adding in-platform notifications for publishers and an ability for Campaign Managers and Publishers to discuss changes in Convertr. Keep an eye on this article for more information!
Your Feedback
We're looking forward to hearing about your experience with this feature and if there is anything we can improve about it.