This document dives into our Processr jobs for Publishers delivering to a Convertr platform. The ability of Campaign Managers to share the campaign job details with Publishers like yourselves is hugely beneficial, however, you may not have come across some of these before. This document aims to bridge that gap and provide you with more insight into what these rules and filters mean.
If you have a different level of access and are looking for more information on the Processr jobs, please use this document - Processr Job Descriptions.
Please note: Not all jobs may be available on your platform. If you require an additional job, please contact your CSM.
Standard Quality Checks
Check for common errors, such as empty fields, incorrect formatting, and common text issues like profanity or test data.
Job Name | Configuration |
Test Data Check | This job will look at all fields to identify the word 'test'. The configuration does allow for specified fields to be excluded as needed. |
First and Last Name Check | This job will check to find if the first and last name match. There is no additional configuration. |
Non Standard Character Check | This check looks to find non-standard characters within the configured fields. This job allows the Campaign Manager to specify which fields are excluded from this rule alongside which symbols if identified will be flagged. |
Repeated Character Check | This check looks to find if a character has been repeated 3 or more times in a row on a specified field. This job allows the Campaign Manager to specify which fields are excluded from this rule. |
Multiple Empty Fields Check | This rule checks to find 3 or more empty fields within the lead data. The Campaign Manager can specify which fields are included for this job. Additionally, the Campaign Manager can specify the maximum number of fields that can be empty before the lead is flagged as invalid. |
Vowel Check | The Vowel Check identifies vowels within the configured fields. This job allows the Campaign Manager to specify which fields are included for this job, alongside the ability to specify the minimum number of vowels allowed and the minimum length of a word that this job will allow. |
Repeated Value Check | This job checks to find duplicate field content on the lead data within the fields. The Campaign Manager can specify which fields are included for this job. |
Telephone Format Check | This rule identifies any repeated or sequential numbers, along with a check on minimum length within the Telephone field. The Campaign Manager can specify the accepted length of a phone number, and specify the number of accepted repeated and sequential numbers. |
Multiple Short Values Check | This job checks to find multiple fields with less than X characters in the lead data. Fields can be excluded from this rule, values can be set as allowed, the minimum length of the value and the maximum number of fields which can contain short values before the lead is flagged can also be set. |
Profanity Check | This job will look at all fields to identify profane words, however the configuration does allow for specified fields to be excluded as needed and specific words to be accepted. |
First and Last Name Length Check | This job confirms that the combined length of the first and last name are not below a certain limit. The job can be configured to set a specific minimum length. |
Length check of given field | This job allows a length limit to be set on selected fields. The Campaign Manager can configure the minimum and maximum character limit on selected fields. |
Name is comprised of likely characters | This job checks to ensure the first and last name fields are comprised of likely characters, which can be configured to allow for a specified number of instances of the set: q, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m. |
Date Format Check | This job validates that the field contains a date in the specified format e.g: YYYY-MM-DD |
Suppression and Acceptance Lists
Check leads against global suppression lists, or manage a custom acceptance or suppression list for a specific campaign.
Job Name | Description |
Suppressed Name Check | Checks for a combined first and last name on a specified suppression list. There is no additional configuration on this job. |
Suppressed Email Check | Check to find if the email address is on a specified suppression list. |
Suppressed Telephone Check | Check to find if the telephone number is on a specified suppression list. |
Validation List Check |
Check to find if the value submitted on the lead matches the list of values accepted on the validation/suppression list. The operators can include:
This job can also be configured to PASS OR FAIL |
Configurable Campaign Rules
Set custom campaign requirements to support ABM, target personas, acceptance rules, and more.
Job Name | Description |
Required Value Check | This job can be configured to show the field that must be populated on the lead and contains a specified value. |
Lead within time period | The configuration allows for the Campaign Manager to set a specific period in which the lead will be accepted. |
Conditional Validation |
This job is highly configurable. This job will ensure that at least 1 of the configurations is met on the lead. The format for each value is as follows: <name of field> <Operator> <value 1, value 2> Which can be read as: within the specified field the value(s) must equal/contain/not contain etc the listed value(s). |
Lead Field Not Empty | This job ensures that the specified fields are populated, it can be configured with all field(s) that must be populated. |
Simple Conditional Validation | Check to find if the value submitted on the lead matches the list of values accepted on the list. The operators can include:
Duplicate Checks
Identify duplicate leads within the Convertr platform.
Job Name | Description |
Duplicate Telephone Number Check | Check for duplicate telephone number on a campaign level. There are no additional configurations. |
Duplicate Email Check | Checks for duplicate emails on a campaign level. There are no additional configurations. |
Duplicate Field Check | This job can be configured to find duplicates based on specified counts within either the valid or billable leads. |
Multiple Field Duplication | This job can be configured to find duplicate leads based on multiple specified fields. This can be done at a campaign, advertiser or enterprise level. |
Duplicate Email For Same Publisher | This job checks for duplicate emails on a publisher level and can be configured for valid, billable and all leads. |
Enterprise Duplicate Email Check | This rule checks to find if the email address is a duplicate based on specified conditions including a set time period, across individual or multiple campaigns, and at an advertiser or enterprise level. |
Identify duplicate leads within your existing database. Requires additional fee.
Job Name | Description |
Marketo Duplicate Email | This job utilises a Marketo integration to check to find if an email address is a duplicate within Marketo. |
Eloqua Duplicate Email | This job utilises an Eloqua integration to check to find if an email address is a duplicate within Eloqua. |
Third-Party Contact Validation Jobs
Live email and telephone checks with third-party providers. Requires additional fee.
Job Name | Description |
Live Email Validation Check | A live check to test the validity of the email address. |
Live Email Validation Check 2 | A live check to test the validity of the email address. |
Live International Telephone Check | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number. |
Global Telephone test | A live check against a database of live numbers to test the validity of the telephone number. |
Global Telephone test 2 | A live check against a database of correct number formats. |
Post Code Validation Check | Check to find if the postcode exists (UK ONLY). |