If both you and your client are users of the Convertr platform, and you are sending leads directly into your client's instance, we have an integration that will simplify the delivery of your leads into their platform.
The Convertr Connect integration allows you to input your publisher API details as well as the details of the campaign your client has set up, and it will automatically pull through all of their form fields for you to then map onto your own.
In addition, your client's instance will be able to communicate with your own - if any leads are marked as invalid or valid on their side, it will automatically update your own record of that lead, making this the easiest way to easily manage leads between yourself and the client.
As part of our efforts to create a more seamless connection, we have developed the Convertr Connect - Simple Conditional Validation job. This will allow to plug directly into your client's Simple Conditional Validation checks and replicate them in your platform. If any changes get made on your client's platform, it will automatically update your validation as well, so you will never send a lead that doesn't meet their criteria.
- Your Publisher API key from your client's platform. You will need Publisher level access to retrieve this
- The subdomain of your client's instance ( if the client's Convertr url is {enterprise}.cvtr.io, then their subdomain is {enterprise})
1. a. Navigate to the Processr and click Add. Within the dropdown select 'Convertr Connect - Simple Conditional Validation' or start typing to find the job.
1. b If you are editing a current 'Convertr Connect - Simple Conditional Validation' job simply click Configure beside the job in the Processr.
2. In your configuration, ensure you populate the fields marked with an *
API_Key - This is the API key collected from your Publisher login to your client's platform
Subdomain - The subdomain of your client's instance ( if the client's Convertr URL is {enterprise}.cvtr.io, then their subdomain is {enterprise})
Campaign - As you populate the details, this will become a dropdown to show you the list of your client campaigns you can connect with.
Campaign_Processr_Job - As you populate the details, this field will become a drop-down showing the jobs in the Clients campaign you can utilise
Field_name - This is the fieldname on your campaign you would like this job to use
Pass_if_job_is_gone -This field allows your job to pass or fail if the job on the receiving platform has been deleted. This setting can be set to true or false.
- True: This will pass the Convertr Connect Simple Conditional Validation job if the corresponding Simple Conditional Validation job has been deleted (in the receiving platform).
- False: This will fail the Convertr Connect Simple Conditional Validation job if the corresponding Simple Conditional Validation job has been deleted (in the receiving platform).
QA Flags
If your lead is rejected because it doesn't meet the criteria of the Simple Conditional, you will see the following:
If your lead is rejected because the Simple Conditional has been deleted on your client's side (and you have this configured to fail), you will see the below: