The Publisher Tab is the key location to assign and manage your Publishers for your campaign. You will be able to see and track performance, increase lead volumes and update any information you need to.
This document provides an overview of this area. If you would like further information, please use the additional resources below or use the search bar to find the relevant document:
- Assigning a Publisher to a Campaign
- Implementing Publisher Payout Bands
- Updating Publisher Default Terms and Conditions
- Increasing the Publisher Caps
Key Areas
- Assign Publisher - Add Publishers to your campaign using this button
- Email - Contact publishers directly through the platform using this feature
- Id - This is the unique number associated to Publishers
- Lead Generator - The Publisher Name
- Contract Status - The status of the contract sent to the Publisher
- Enabled - Indicates whether the Publisher is active or inactive on this campaign
- Processing - The number of leads processing at this time
- On Hold - The number of leads currently being held (this could be due to awaiting an integration, or call centre confirmation)
- Impressions - The number of impressions on the assets (if applicable)
- Conversions - The number of users that have converted to leads (if applicable)
- Total Leads - The total number of leads delivered by the Publisher
- Invalid - The number of invalid leads the Publisher has provided
- Valid - The number of valid leads the Publisher has provided
- Billable - The number of valid leads provided that have been successfully delivered to the endpoint
- Required - The number of leads required to be delivered by that Publisher
- Payout - The CPL rate(s) that is assigned to the Publisher
- Earnings - The total amount earned by the Publisher (Payout X Billable)
- Tracking Information - Publisher-specific tracking information can be assed through this icon
- Contract Terms - Here you can update Publisher CPL and volume required rates, and see other contract terms
- Contract History - This icon allows you to see current and previous contracts for this Publisher