When a campaign has been created, you can choose to include different payout bands for Publishers. This means that you can set different conditions that outline how much a Publisher should receive per lead, which enables the user to easily give different CPLs on one campaign, negating the need for multiple campaigns.
For example, in the setup process below, the variable payouts have been created depending on the country. Each Publisher will have different payouts depending on which country their leads come from.
Additionally, in some instances, there may be cases of bands having a zero value, in this case, it is possible to hide these values from the list to help with the crowding of the table, this can be enabled and disabled with the toggle in the Publisher area called "Hide Publisher Bands with zero allocation".
Setup Process
1. Within your campaign, navigate to the Admin>Publisher Bands.
2. Use the toggle to enable Publisher Bands.
3. On this page, you will be able to add new payout bands - these will determine the conditions under which the Publisher payout will change. You can add these by clicking Add.
4. In the modal, input the form field you will be filtering by, the accepted value, the name of the band and the default rate for the band.
NB: We recommend that the Default Rate is populated with 100, unless B2C.
Click Save once you have filled in all the fields. You will be able to create as many bands as you need.
Import via CSV
1. On the Admin>Publisher Bands page, click Import.
2. Click in the blue banner to download the template, then fill out the details in the file as required.
In this example, we are adding one band based on the country field.
3. Click 'browse files' or drag your file into the modal, then click Import.
4. Refresh the table to see all of the Publisher Bands. These can be edited if needed by clicking Edit in the Actions column.
The created bands can now be applied when assigning publishers (see Assigning a Publisher to a Campaign) to the campaign. You will be able to see the different bands in the Payout column and change them if needed.
Please note: The default payout will be used if the lead does not meet any of the conditions specified in the bands.
Caps on Bands
When applying Publisher Bands, there is also the option to include a lead cap on each band. This will allow you to further specify how much you're willing to pay out for each band.
Setup Process
1. When assigning the publisher, you can select whether you'd like an overall cap for the Publisher or to have caps on bands. Select Caps on Bands and input lead caps for each band.
2. Click Save at the bottom to assign the Publisher. You will now be able to see the payout per band, as well as the required leads.