Publisher Lead Import Authorisation is a platform level functionality that allows you to set when a publisher is able to deliver leads over their allocation into the platform.
With this setting, you will be able to trigger an authorisation email to a specified email address and the over-delivered leads will not be able to enter the platform until that email is actioned. You will also be able to set how many leads can be overdelivered before the authorisation is triggered.
To change this setting, you will need to do this within the Enterprise area.
1. From the dashboard, navigate to Enterprise > Configuration
2. In this section, there are a couple of options you can use to configure how you want the authorisation to work. The first is Lead Import Authorisation, at the bottom of this page.
This can be set to either 0 or 1.
- 0: This means that the import authorisation will not be triggered regardless of how many leads are delivered by your publishers.
- 1: This means that the import authorisation will trigger once a publisher attempts to over-deliver to any campaign.
If 1 is selected, then there are a couple of extra things that you will need to configure. The first is where the notification for the import authorisation will be sent. This option is on the same page, in the Email Settings table.
The authorisation will be sent to the email address that is included in the Campaigns address field; you will need to update this so that you can action the authorisation when it comes through.
Additionally, you can set how much a publisher can overdeliver before the authorisation is triggered. This is again on the same page, within the Campaign Settings table.
This is the percentage that a publisher can overdeliver before their imports are paused pending authorisation. For example, if set to 50% then a publisher can deliver up to 150% of their lead allocation before the platform stops automatically accepting their leads.
This completes the platform level configuration for publisher over delivery. You can also configure campaign level settings that impact how the platform should handle over delivered leads if you allow them to enter a campaign. If you would like to learn more about this, see Hold Publisher Over Delivery.