In this article we will be reviewing how to add an Advertiser. The advertiser in the platform is the client accepting the leads.
The advertiser will be able to setup multiple campaigns per advertiser, and assign publishers to provide leads for these campaigns.
Add Individual Advertisers
1. Navigate to the Advertisers tab from the left sidebar.
2. Click Add.
3. Type in the information as needed to create an advertiser.
- Advertiser Name:
- Account Manager: The client’s contact.
- Campaign Manager: Who on your internal team is managing the campaign.
- First Name: Company Default details
- Last Name: Company Default details
- Email: Company Default details
- Telephone: Company Default details
- Postcode: Company Default details
- Address: Company Default details
- City/Town: Company Default details
- Country: Company Default details
- Organisation URL: Company Default details
- Use IO Management: Default is set to No
- Autosign Contracts: This determines whether your Publishers have their contracts auto-signed.
- Default Publisher Terms: If specific campaign terms need to be made default, they can be placed here.
- Notes: Any default notes that would apply to all publishers can be placed here.
4. Select Save.
Add Advertisers via Import
1. Select Import Advertisers
2. Download the import template.
3. Fill out the template accordingly and save the file.
4. Select Browse Files and locate the saved .csv file.
5. Indicate if the file uploaded had column headers, or if the file only had data provided.
6. Select Next.
7. Verify the data mapping of the import file.
8. Select Import.