Please Note: This feature is currently being transitioned to an updated version. As we make this transition you may see multiple versions of the same document. Please use the relevant one depending on your requirements.
The Current Version of the document is at the top of the page and the Updated Version is at the bottom.
Current Version
This job runs to find out if any characters have been repeated three or more times within the fields specified on the job.
- ignoredFields: Enter and map fields that will be ignored by/excluded from the Repeated Character Check.
Use Case
The Repeated Character Check essentially checks for any spam within a lead. If a lead contains several repeated characters in one field, there is a chance that the information is inaccurate, thus the job will flag it.
Fields that will inevitably have repeated characters (e.g a URL, www.) can be excluded from the check.
Updated Version
This job runs to find out if any characters have been repeated three or more times within the fields specified on the job.
1. a. Navigate to the Processr and click Add. Within the dropdown select 'Repeated Character Check' or start typing to find the job.
1. b If you are editing an existing Repeated Character Check, click Configure beside the job in the Processr.
2. In the configuration you can add fields that will be ignored by this check; there are already some fields that are included by default. To add addtional fields click Add and enter a unique number on the left hand side. Use the dropdown to select your field on the right hand side.
N.B: Value Transform fields won't appear in the dropdown, but can still be mapped by typing in the fieldname.
3. Click Save.
Use Case
The Repeated Character Check essentially checks for any spam within a lead. If a lead contains several repeated characters in one field, there is a chance that the information is inaccurate, thus the job will flag it.
Fields that will inevitably have repeated characters (e.g a URL, www.) can be excluded from the check.