Social Enrichment is a check used to find if an individual has any social profile linked to them via the personal data provided with the lead. This check provides additional insight into leads which could help to provide your sales team with a more personalised approach when contacting leads.
However, please be aware that there is not a guarantee on this pulling through social profiles for each lead. These findings are highly reliant on the privacy restrictions that the lead has enabled across their social profiles and the search data available.
NB: The v2 version of this job has been deprecated and will no longer be available.
Searchable fields:
With the configuration, you can now add multiple parameters which include the below:
- email (business)
- email (personal)
- First name
- Last Name
- phone (business)
- phone (personal)
- Linkedin URL
- Twitter handle
- Twitter User ID
- Github URL
1. Select the configure button on the integration once the job is added.
2. The default settings will load when the integration is added.
3. A sample configuration is below. Only add those fields that are provided in the lead details.
These fields can be manually added, or imported via json:
- email (business)
- email (personal)
- First name
- Last Name
- phone (business)
- phone (personal)
- Linkedin URL
- Twitter handle
- Twitter User ID
- Github URL
Any of the returned fields provided by the social enrichment can be added to the integration. The associated filenames are below.
LinkedIn url |
job_data[1164][core.data.0.socialProfiles.LinkedIn.url] |
Organization |
job_data[1164][organizations.0.name] |
Title |
job_data[1164][organizations.0.title] |
Location |
job_data[1164][core.data.0.location] |
Full Name |
job_data[1164][core.data.0.fullName] |
Any additional questions, please reach out to your CSM.