The Multiple Field Duplication job allows you to check multiple fields to determine when a lead should be classified as a duplicate. You can choose the fields you want to look at and select an operator to specify when you want the job to recognise duplicates.
Setup Process
1. Within your campaign, go to the Processr tab and click Add Job.
2. Select Multiple Field Duplication from the drop down and click Save.
3. The configuration window will now open.
You can enter the field names you want to be checked for duplicates. For each field name that you choose, you can apply an operator to specify how the job identifies duplicates.
4. You can add a level to the job configuration. This decides at what level duplicates are flagged, e.g. the job can flag for duplicates on the same campaign, the same advertiser or across the platform. The job will only check billable leads, regardless of the level that is selected.
5. Your final job configuration should look similar to the below.
In the above example, a lead will be classed as a duplicate if the firstName, lastName and companyName fields all match another lead in the campaign.
Click Save once you are done.