Please Note: This feature is currently being transitioned to an updated version. As we make this transition you may see multiple versions of the same document. Please use the relevant one depending on your requirements.
The Current Version of the document is at the top of the page and the Updated Version is at the bottom.
Current Version
The Search International Company Information job is an enrichment job that allows you to append information about a company to the lead details.
The job uses a third-party API to perform a search on the company name and company country. If a match is found then this data is attached to the lead data.
Setup Process
1. Within your campaign, go to the Processr tab.
2. Click on the Enrichment tab on this page, then click Add Job.
3. In the dropdown, select Search International Company Information and click Save.
4. The configuration window will now open. Click Mappings.
5. Map the companyName and companyCountryCode fields to the appropriate fields in your form. Click Save.
6. The job is now fully configured. When a lead enters the platform, if the job is successful the leads will have fields regarding the company data added to them.
Please note: Ensure that you use the country code and not the country name when capturing lead data, e.g. GB instead of United Kingdom, or this job may not function correctly.
Updated Version
The Search International Company Information job is an enrichment job that allows you to append information about a company to the lead details.
The job uses a third-party API to perform a search on the company name and company country. If a match is found then this data is attached to the lead data.
Setup Process
1. a. Navigate to the Processr and click on the Enrichment tab, then click Add. Within the dropdown select Search International Company Information or start typing to find the job.
1. b If you are editing an existing Search International Company Information job, click Configure beside the job in the Processr.
2. The are no configurations for this job, so click Next to be redirected to the Mappings tab.
3. Within the Mapping tab use the dropdowns to reference the appropriate fields in your form. If these are already populated we recommend confirming that these fields are correct.
4. Click Save. When a lead enters the platform, if the job is successful the leads will have fields regarding the company data added to them.
Please note: Ensure that you use the country code and not the country name when capturing lead data, e.g. GB instead of United Kingdom, or this job may not function correctly.