Campaigns on the Convertr platform can have different Campaign Statuses. The Campaign Status is used to quickly show what state the campaign is in. This allows Campaign Managers and other users to quickly see if a campaign is in an unexpected state and therefore needs to be actioned.
This article will walk through each of these Statuses.
Status Descriptions
The definitions are as follows:
Active - The status given to all campaigns that are running. Active campaigns will have allocation, be within their start and end dates, and have the Advertiser contract signed.
Inactive - The status given to all campaigns which are not running. This status is given when the current date is earlier than the campaign's start date.
Ended - A campaign that has met its lead allocation will be given this. This status will also be given to any campaigns whose end date has been reached.
Paused - A campaign that has been manually paused. Publishers cannot upload to these campaigns. More information below.
Setup Required - A campaign with an unsigned Advertiser contract will have this status.
Campaigns on the Dashboard are now grouped by Active and Inactive. The Inactive tab will contain all campaigns that are not Active, which includes Paused and Ended campaigns, as well as those with Setup Required.
You can filter by Status on the Inactive Campaigns tab to easily see all Inactive, Ended, Paused and Setup Required campaigns.
Report Builder Values
The report builder is able to pull the following statuses:
- active
- inactive
- ended
- paused
The only campaign status that appears on the Dashboard but not on Report Builder is the status of Setup Required. This will fall under the Inactive status in any reports pulled.
Paused Campaigns
When pausing a campaign you can do the following:
1. Add a reason for pausing
Admins, Super Users, and Agency users are able to add a reason as to why a campaign is paused. This reason is viewable to other users when a campaign is restarted.
2 An ‘Integrations’ toggle
This feature allows Admins, Super Users, and Agency users to pause integrations within the campaign. This is especially useful if there are pending batches due to go out in the campaign.