How to Access Forms
1. Within the left navigation bar, select the Forms tab
2. Here you can see the full list of your forms.
Please note: All of your existing forms will be migrated into this area.
Creating a New Form
1. Select the Forms tab from within the left navigation bar:
2. Ensure you are within the Active Forms Tab and select Add
3. Within the Setup tab, First enter a Form Name and your Slug
Please note: A Slug is used in the URL to identify your form. In most cases this will be the same as your Form Name. The Slug field will automatically populate as you enter your form name, but you can update this as required.
4. If you are embedding your form into a landing page, select the relevant Embed type. Leave this option as the default 'Javascript' if you are not using landing pages.
5. Enable Iframe sizing if required. If not required, leave as is.
6. Select the Fields Page tab. Within here you can create your form:
6a. To add a field to your form select Add Input and populate the following fields as required:
Type - This defines the type of input and contains various lookups and HTML types. The standard type is Text (Required) other types can be found here
For the fields FirstName, Lastname and Email their are specific form field types. Please ensure these are selected for those fieldnames.
Name - Enter the name of your field (Required)
Enable - If you would like the field to be active, select Enable (Required)
Required - If a field is required on a form, ensure Required is selected (Optional)
Required Message - If your field is required, enter a required message (Optional)
Label - Enter a caption for your field type which will show above your input field by default (Required)
Placeholder - Specifies a short hint to describe the expected value of an input field (Optional)
CSS Class - Add a custom CSS Class Name on the field HTML container (Optional)
6b. Use the arrows tool to rearrange your fields
6c. Select the bin icon to remove the field
6d. If you need to remove all the fields, you can select the Remove All button at the bottom of the form
7. If you require a Thank You page select the Thanks Page tab. This section can be left blank if not required. For a step-by-step guide on how to set up this section, click here.
8. If you want to add CSS to your form, select the CSS tab and enter or update the CSS as required
9. Similar to CSS and the Thank You Page, if you require Javascript, select the Javascript tab and enter your script.
10. Scroll to the bottom and hit Save
11. During editing, and once your form is complete, the Form Preview will display a preview of what your finished form will look like.
If you are importing leads via CSV, API or the Webhook, these will be the fields available to deliver to.
Creating a Form Via CSV File
Importing a form via CSV allows you to easily and quickly import a large number of fields at one time.
1. Within the left navigation bar, select the Forms tab
2. Ensure you are within the Active Tab and select Add Via CSV
3. Download and populate the template from the blue banner
4. Use the drag and drop, or browse for your file and upload
5. Enter a form name and a slug
6. Select Save
7. Once imported, you will be taken to the Form Builder. From here you can continue with the same steps from Step 4 onwards in the How to Create a Form section above.
8. Fields will automatically be uploaded as Text fields. If you require other field types you will need to reselect the Field Type for each relevant field
9. Click Save
Associate a Form to a Campaign
Once your form has been created, either from scratch or via CSV, you will need to associate it to a campaign.
1. Within the Forms tab on the left navigation, select the link next to your form under the Associated Campaigns column:
a. If you are associating a new form, this column will display "0 Campaigns"
b. If associating a previous form this will say "X Campaigns", based on the number of campaigns that that form is currently associated with.
2. Within the Campaigns field, select the campaign(s) from the dropdown list that you want to associate. This will make the form available to the campaign(s). You can add multiple campaigns to a form at once.
3. Select Save
Disassociate a Form from a Campaign
You can archive a form whilst it still has associated campaigns. Note if you want to delete the Form then you will have to disassociate all connections ie. Landing pages, Campaigns, Assets etc.
1. Within the Forms tab on the left navigation, select the link within the Associated Campaigns column
3. Click Remove beside each campaign
4. Click Save
Archiving a Form
1. Within the Forms tab on the left navigation, select the tick-box next to your form(s)
2. Select the Archive button at the top of the page
3. Confirm you would like to Archive the form
5. Your campaigns will now be within the Archived tabs. These will be held here and can be reactivated if you wish to reuse them or you can completely delete the form. Once you delete a form from the 'Archived' section it can't be restored.
Note: If you get an error to say the form is linked to 1 or more campaigns, assets, landing pages, you will need to disassociate your form from those connections.
a. Reactivate a form - Select the tickbox next to your form and click Activate
b. Delete a form - Select the tickbox next to your form and click Delete
Please note: this will delete the form completely and is irreversible
Translating a Form
To create a version of a form with a different language, click Edit beside a form and click Translate. You can then add the name of the translated form, and select the language from the dropdown within the modal.
Manage Forms within a Campaign
Within your campaign, you can easily manage forms rather than having to navigate to the forms listing in the sidebar.
Associating Forms within a Campaign
1. Within your campaign, go to Creatives > Forms
2. If you would like to pull in a form created at the Global Level, select Associate
3. Use the dropdown to select the form to associate
4. Click Save
Editing Forms Within a Campaign
1. Within the campaign, go to Creatives > Forms
2. Click the 'Edit' button to make changes to the associated form. This action will take you to the form builder and any changes made will be applied to the form and therefore apply to any campaigns the form is associated with.
Removing Forms Within a Campaign
1. Within the campaign, go to Creatives > Forms
2. Click the 'Remove' button to remove the association between the form and the current campaign. This action will not delete the form. Any campaigns that have been associated to the selected form will not be effected.