Custom Views allows you to edit the various tables and widgets that appear around the platform. This lets you choose the data you want to see when using the platform.
Custom Views are available in the following places:
- Dashboard (Table)
- Campaign Overview (Widgets)
- Campaign Leads Tab (Table)
On the dashboard, you can apply custom views to the dashboard table.
Dashboard Table
On the dashboard table, you can alter which columns you want visible on the page.
Once you click the cog icon, you will be able to use the Table Column dropdown to select columns you want to appear on the table. You can also use the Highlight Column toggle to highlight that column. The table will update once your settings have been saved.
Please note: Use the Reset button to reset the table to the default columns.
Available filters include:
Table Column | Description |
Impr's (Impressions) |
The number of times an asset has been viewed |
Clicks |
The number of times an asset has been interacted with |
Conv's (Conversions) |
The number of users that have converted to leads (if applicable)
Fulfillment | The total number of delivered leads in a campaign |
Overall Cap | Total number of leads required on a campaign |
Valid Leads | Total number of leads that have passed all Processr jobs |
Invalid Leads | Total number of leads that have failed a high priority job(s) |
Account Manager | Name of the Account Manager for the campaign |
Campaign Manager | Name of the Campaign Manager on the campaign |
Start Date | Start date of the campaign |
End Date |
End date of the campaign (Please note: Once this date is reached the campaign will become inactive) |
Revenue Remaining | Amount of campaign budget remaining |
Sales | Total number of sales within the campaign |
Unsigned Contracts | Number of publishers who have not signed their contract |
Caution Leads | Number of leads which have flagged one or more of the low priority Processr job(s) |
Pubs (Publishers) | Number of publishers on a campaign |
Revenue | Amount of ROI generated from the CPL and number of leads delivered |
CTB (Click to Billable) | Number of leads that have converted from a click to a billable lead |
Additional Reference Numbers | Any additional reference numbers attached to the campaign |
Purchase/Insertion Order No | Additional purchase/insertion order numbers added to the campaign |
Scheduled Delivery | Identifies if Scheduled Delivery is enabled on a campaign |
Integrations | Integrations can be enabled or disabled within the campaign's summary dropdown. Please contact your platform administrator if you are unable to change this status |
Leads Table
Similarly to the Dashboard table, the leads table can be customised to display any fields from the lead details by clicking the cog in the top right corner of the table.
Available filters include:
Table Column | Description |
ID (Lead ID) | This is the unique number assigned to the Lead |
Date | This is the date the lead entered the platform |
Lead Generator | The name of the publisher/source who delivered the lead |
Channel | The source of the lead |
First Name | First name on the lead details |
Last Name | Last name on the lead details |
Email address on the lead details | |
Processr Status | Current process status of the lead through the Processr |
Current Status | Current lead status: valid, invalid, or caution |
Delivery | Status of the lead being sent to the endpoint: either delivered or undelivered |
Billable to Publisher | A valid lead that has been accepted and that a publisher can invoice for |
Billable to Advertiser | A valid and delivered lead that has been accepted by the endpoint and that the Advertiser can invoice for |
Sales | A value that can be added to a lead to track sales in the end client system |
Custom Form Fields | All your other form fields will be available to add to your table |
You can also copy the QA flags to your clipboard, by clicking the Copy icon when hovering over an invalid or caution lead:
This allows you to paste the QA flags into a separate file for ease of troubleshooting when there are multiple failed jobs.