This document takes you through some key Convertr Terminology, this list is dynamic so may be updated regularly.
Convertr Term | Description |
2nd Check Flag Comment | This is an additional comment added as to why the lead was flagged as Valid, Invalid or Test |
2nd Check Flag Reason | The is the reason given as to why the lead was flagged as Valid, Invalid or Test |
2nd Check Status | This is the status of the lead after is has had a 2nd check status applied to it |
Account Manager | This is account manager |
Account Owner | The name of the individual who is managing the campaign |
Active | Campaign is live |
Additional Reference field | An additional field that can contain text in a campaign |
Address Line 1 | This is a system default field for address line 1 |
Address Line 2 | This is a system default field for address line 2 |
Address Line 3 | This is a system default field for address line 3 |
Address Line 4 | This is a system default field for address line 4 |
Advertiser | This is ‘who’ the campaigns are being run for. |
Advertiser Billable | This determines if the lead is advertiser billable |
Advertiser id | This is the advertiser id |
Advertiser Name | This is the advertiser id |
Advertiser Payout | Ths is the advertiser payout value, this is calculated by the Total Contract Value for the campaign divided by the campaign Lead Volume |
Agency | An agency allows us to divide up permission levels, so only set Agencies can see certain Advertisers |
Band id | This is the id of the Publisher Band |
Band Name | This is the name of the publisher's band |
Billable Leads | This is the total number of billable leads |
Campaign Category id | This is the category id |
Campaign Category Name | This is the category name |
Campaign Country id | This is the country id |
Campaign Country Name | This is the campaign country |
Campaign Currency id | This is the currency id |
Campaign Currency Name | This is the currency name |
Campaign End Ts | This is the campaign end date |
Campaign id | This is the campaign id |
Campaign Manager | This is the campaign manager |
Campaign Name | This is the name of the campaign |
Campaign Overdelivery | This is the total number of leads that are over campaign allocation |
Campaign Start Ts | This is the campaign start date |
Campaign Status | This is the current status of the campaign |
Campaign Subcategory id | This is the subcategory id |
Campaign Subcategory Name | This is the subcategory name |
Campaign Whitepaper Ref | This is the Campaign Whitepaper id |
Caution | A lead status that identifies that something on the lead matches a set rule, human confirmation required |
Channel | This is channel which the lead is associated with (determined by the tracking link) user can add own channels |
Click id | This is the click id from the Convertr tracking link |
Contact Attempt Number | The is the number of attempts logged to the lead for Call Centre enabled campaigns (this can be edited to increase the attempt count to more than 5) |
Contact Notes | The is the number of notes added the lead for Call Centre enabled campaigns |
Contact Status | This is the Contract Status given to the lead for Call Centre enabled campaigns |
Contact Status Confirmed | The total number of leads that has a contact status of Confirmed |
Contact Status Rejected | The total number of leads that has a contact status of Rejected |
Contact Status Unconfirmed | The total number of leads that has a contact status of Unconfirmed |
Contact Types | This represents how the lead would like to be contacted |
Convertr Campaign id | This is the campaign id |
Convertr Campaign Name | This is the name of the campaign |
Created Date | This is the created date of when the lead was created in the platform |
Created Month | This is the created month of when the lead was created in the platform |
Created Ts | This is the system timestamp of when the lead was created in the platform |
Created Year | This is the created year of when the lead was created |
Current Status | This is the overall status of the lead |
Default Publisher Rate/Payout | A set payout for a Publisher on a campaign. This will be automatically assigned to the publisher if a publisher-specific payout is not added |
Delivered | This is if the lead has a delivered status or not |
Delivered Leads | This is the total number of delivered leads |
Double Opt In | This represents if the lead was double opted in or not |
Duplicate | The term we use for copying campaigns, rules etc |
This is a system default field for email | |
Email Domain | This is the Email Domain of the lead submitted to the platform |
Ended | The campaign end date or campaign volume has been reached |
Enterprise Level | Anything done at this level will affect all campaigns across the whole platform |
Fingerprint | This is a unique identifier |
First Delivered Date | This is the timestamp of when the lead was first marked as delivered |
First Name | This is a system default field for First Name |
Form id | This is the id of the form |
Form Name | This is the name of the form |
id | This is the Convertr Lead id |
Import Created By id | This is the user id from the person importing the lead file |
Import Created By Username | This is the username from the person importing the lead file |
Import File id | This is the import file id of the lead file updated |
Import Filename | This is the import filename of the lead file updated |
Import Form/Import from CSV | An easy way of importing form fields to the platform |
In Setup | Campaign is being created |
Inactive | Campaign setup is not completed |
Integration | This states if the lead was integrated or not |
Invalid | The lead has failed one or multiple rules that makes it invalid |
Invalid + Delivered | The lead has been subsequently marked as invalid but has previously been delivered to endpoint |
Job Delivery Time | This is a breakdown of the Integration Processr job, Integration Processr job label, and executed timestamp (this can display multiple) |
Last Name | This is a system default field for Last Name |
Lead Delivery Date | This is a combination of the Processr job id and date of when the lead was sent for to the processr for delivery, this will log every time the lead is delivered. |
Lead Hash | This is a unique hash for each lead |
Leads Remaining | This is the number of leads remaining on the campaign Total Lead Volume - Total Billable leads |
Leads Required/Volume Required | The number of leads required on a campaign |
Link Destination | This is the destination URL of the link |
Link id | This is the link id of the Convertr tracking link |
Link Name | This is the link name |
Not Applicable | Item not applicable to lead |
Opt in | This represent if the lead was opted in or not |
Original Status | This is the status in which the lead was originally in |
Other Reason Comment | This is metadata added to the lead used for reporting only |
Other Reason Type | This is metadata added to the lead used for reporting only |
Over Allocation | This will state if a lead is in overallocation |
Percentage Allocated | The is the % of the total leads remaining. |
Postcode | This is a system default field for postcode |
Processr Status | The will show the processer status of the lead |
Publisher | The individual/lead source who is delivering to a campaign. This can be a content syndication partner or a source such as LinkedIn |
Publisher Band / Caps on Bands | The feature that is used to track lead delivery based on a lead value within a Publisher allocation |
Publisher Billable | This determines if the lead is publisher billable |
Publisher Billable Total | This is the total number of leads that are billable for the publisher |
Publisher Contract id | This is the id of the publisher contract issued |
Publisher Contract Leads Required | This is the number of leads allocated for a publisher on a campaign level |
Publisher Contract Payout | This is the publisher contract payout assigned |
Publisher Current Leads Remaining | This is the current number of leads remaining for the publisher |
Publisher CurrentCPL | This is the current CPL for the publisher |
Publisher Earnings | This is the total publisher earnings (revenue) |
Publisher id | This is the publisher's id |
Publisher Leads Required | This is the total number of publisher leads required |
Publisher Overdelivery | This is the total number of leads that have been held for publisher over delivery |
Publisher Payout | This is the publisher payout value |
Purchase Order | This allows users to add an additional reference to the campaign |
Qa Flags | This will display all processr jobs that the lead failed on |
Reference Number | This allows users to add a purchase order to the campaign |
Remaining/Fulfilled | The number of leads left to deliver on a campaign before it hits its cap/volume required |
Replacement Lead | This is the total number of replacement leads |
Returned Leads | This is the total number of returned leads |
Revenue Remaining | This is the total revenue reaming |
Roi | This will display the sales value against the lead |
Simple Conditional Validation | Similar to Validation Lists, this rule allows you to add lists to a campaign but are much shorter in length |
Sub id | This is the sub id that can be passed in the Convertr tracking links |
Telephone | This is a system default field for telephone |
Terms | This represents if the lead has agreed to the terms |
Title | This is a system default field for title |
Total Caution Leads | This is the total number of caution leads |
Total Invalid Leads | This is the total number of invalid leads |
Total Valid Leads | This is the total number of valid leads |
Valid | The lead has passed all the validation checks |
Valid + Delivered | The lead matches requirements and has passed to endpoint |
Validation List | The rule that is used to add ‘lists’ to each campaign |
Value Transformations | An automation feature that allows you to transform and manipulate data within campaigns |
Whitepaper Categories | This is the category that the whitepaper is assigned to |
Whitepaper id | This is the System level Whitepaper id |
Whitepaper Locale | This the locale of the whitepaper |
Whitepaper Name | This is the name of the Whitepaper |
Whitepaper Subcategories | This the subcategory that the whitepaper is assigned to |
Whitepaper Tags | This list of tags assigned to the whitepaper |