It is now possible to send the fields collected from our Social Enrichment job to the endpoint.
To do this however does require some specific details, so please ensure the below is followed exactly.
Please Note: The example below is for LinkedIn, but the same steps can be completed for other social enrichments enabled.
1. You will need to get the following details
- Job ID
- Fieldname
2. The following format needs to be used as a template to create the new fieldname.
job_data[ID goes here][core.data.0.socialProfiles.Twitter.username]
1. You will first need to identify the Job ID, there are two ways to do this:
a. Through a previously processed Lead
b. Through the Processr job ID under the Enterprise tab (on the left menu bar)
a. Through a previously processed Lead
i. To identify the Job ID through a previously processed lead, select your Campaign and navigate to the Reports tab, then select Export Report.
ii. Within the Export Report, scroll to the bottom of the filter and select Export Selected within the Column Exports section.
iii. Identify the Social Package or find the field names associated with the Social Enrichment.
Social Package:
Fieldnames associated with the Social Enrichment:
iv. Drag and drop the fields you would like to send to the Output Columns field.
v. One field at a time, right-click the field and click Inspect or Inspect Element.
vi. When the Inspect option opens, identify the code starting with "<div data-uid..." the ID can be found next to the code starting 'data-job-id="ID"'
b. Through Processr job ID under Enterprise (on the left menu bar)
i. Within the platform go to the Enterprise tab (on the left-hand side), select the Processr tab, then select Enrichment. Once there, you will see the Social Enrichment Job; take the number found under the ID column, in this case 1028.
2. Next, you will need to get the specific field name. To do this you will need to start with the same steps as 1.a.i to 1.a.v or follow the steps below:
a. To identify the Job ID through a previously processed lead, select Export Report under the Reports tab.
b. Within the Export Report, scroll to the bottom of the filter and select Export Selected within the Column Exports section.
c. Identify the Social Package or find the field names associated with the Social Enrichment.
Social Package:
Fieldnames associated with the Social Enrichment:
d. Drag and drop the fields you would like to send to the Output Columns field.
e. A field at a time, right-click the field and click Inspect or Inspect Element.
f. When the Inspect option opens, identify the code starting with "<div data-uid..." and copy the values within the quotations excluding the final numeric values for example:
Copy the following text
Remove the final numeric values
3. Finally, you will need to put the above sections together replacing the red with the values you have collected above.
job_data[ID goes here][core.data.0.socialProfiles.Twitter.username]
4. Once collated, this is your fieldname for your Integration! You will need to repeat these steps for each field within each campaign.
Completed Example