Our Salesforce integration allows you to link directly into a Salesforce instance and upload your lead data in an automated fashion.
This is the most secure way to transfer lead data from the platform to a Salesforce instance. Our integration takes advantage of the Create Record endpoint to create a lead. You can create or update an existing lead as well as route directly to a Salesforce campaign.
Please ensure that you have the following details from the client before progressing with the integration:
- You will need a user account in the Salesforce instance you wish to integrate to. This will provide you with the username, password, and security token you need. This needs to have access to read/write lead data.
- Salesforce REST API field names for the data you wish to submit.
- Client ID and Client Secret - this requires your client to have a Connected App built in Salesforce that can supply these.
1. Within your campaign, go to the Processr tab, navigate to Integration and click Add Job.
2. In the drop-down, choose Salesforce Integration and click Save.
3. Select whether or not you'd like to update existing records by entering yes or no.
4. Fill in the fields which have been provided by the client.
How to retrieve these details from Salesforce:
a. username (details used to login to the Salesforce account)
b. password (details used to login to the Salesforce account)
c. clientId and clientSecret
Please Note: This is known as the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in Salesforce.
i. Once you are logged in to your account, click Setup.
ii. Select Apps manager > App Manager
iii. Beside the App that you would like to connect to, select 'View'
iv. Copy over the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (Click to Reveal)
d. securityID
Please Note: This is known as the Security Token in Salesforce.
The owner of the account should have received an email with this ID when the account was created.
However, if this email cannot be found you should be able to reset the token in the Settings area of your account:
e. apiUrl
i. The following is the structure for the apiURL field. You will need to replace [login.salesforce.com] with the URL you find in the next step for your unique URL.
ii. In Salesforce, select the profile icon in the top right corner of the page and copy the URL next to your avatar and update the URL structure shown above.
5. Enter the client’s field names and map them to the Convertr field names, then click Save.
Please note: The client’s field names should be entered on the left and the matching Convertr field names are entered on the right.
The last (highlighted) field, is an optional field. It can be used to route leads to campaigns within Salesforce. There is the option to either hardcode a single value which will route leads to a single campaign or you can pass different campaign IDs from the form capture to route into multiple campaigns.