When we pass data through via our integrations, the platform usually sends the data across in the format that it has been received. However, in some cases you may need to format the data differently in order for it to go through to a client's CRM successfully.
When mapping an integration you are able to embed filters into selected fields. This will ensure the correct format is pulled through. You can do this by adding the following values to the end of the form field names in the integration:
You can also add a filter that allows you to set which timezone you would like the integration to deliver in. This is useful if your platform is based in GMT but you need to deliver leads in EST, for example. Please see some examples below:
— |int - send numeric values as integers
— |string - send values as string (this is done by default if no filter is used)
— |unix_ts - send date value as unix timestamp (seconds)
- |milliseconds - send date value as unix timestamp (milliseconds)
— |lower_case - force data to be sent as lower case (e.g. “This Is a Headline” will be sent as “this is a headline”)
— |upper_case - force data to be sent as upper case (e.g. This Is a Headline” will be sent as “THIS IS A HEADLINE”)
— |title_case - force data to be sent as title case (e.g. “this is a headline” will be sent as “This Is A Headline”)
— |empty_value - leaves the field blank if there is no value stored in the lead details
— |hardcode - force integration to ignore data in the field and just submit the field name itself
- |null_if_empty - forces a field to have a NULL value on submission if the field is empty
- |boolean - forces the values true and false to be submitted as a boolean value instead of a string
You can also add a filter that allows you to set which timezone you would like the integration to deliver in. This is useful if your platform is based in GMT but you need to deliver leads in EST, for example.
Please see some examples below:
- |timezone(US/Central)
- |timezone(US/Eastern)
- |timezone(Europe/London)
- |timezone(Asia/Hong_Kong)
- |timezone(Australia/Melbourne)
For the full list of timezone filters, please see
Example integration setup: