Adding Country List to Form
A client has requested the addition of a country list to their existing Master Campaign Form. This will allow the form user to select from a series of choices provided from the form setup. This can be setup one at a time, or using JSON, and a .txt file. Below are the steps to add this country list using the .txt file. The .txt file is also attached.
- Select Campaign
- Select Creatives
- Select Forms
- Add a New Field
- Type: CountryList
- Field Name (must be an exact match to campaign): country Input Label and Placeholder can be setup at users discretion
- Make sure the field is enabled
- Nothing needs to be entered under Edit Options
- Edit Choices - the list can be added via JSON
- Copy and Paste the text from the attached .txt file, and select Import
- Save the form update, and this list will now be available for choices in the form field