Setup Process
Before uploading leads please make sure that all the prerequisites have been met:
• Your user has been created on the enterprise
• Ensure your leads are in the .CSV format
• Ensure your .CSV file matches the lead template (see point 3)
1. Go to your convertr platform url - {enterprise} & login to the platform using your login details.
2. Once logged in, find the publisher you want to upload for and click View.
3. To import your leads into the campaign click the Import icon.
4. Use the dropdown list to select the Campaign Form for the data to be imported into.
5. Download the CSV template and fill in your lead details, then click Save.
6. Click and drag your CSV file into the drop zone, or select Browse Files to search for your CSV document then click Start Import.
7. Ensure that the fields are mapped correctly, then click Start Import. You can also choose to use a previous mapping from an existing campaign.
8. Click Start Import and confirm that the field mapping is correct. Once the mapping is correct, select Save and Import. If incorrect, select Close and then edit the mapping of the fields.
You must also tick to confirm that you are lawfully uploading these leads to be processed and collected before you can proceed with the upload.