Article Context
As of August 2023, the Enterprise Timezone Enhancement has been implemented. This article provides an outline of the change and additional information about this feature.
What are the Enterprise Timezone changes?
The change was implemented to improve the experience for users working with global teams. As of August 2023, all visible timestamps and date selections in the platform will be displayed or updated based off the configured enterprise timezone.
For example: If the enterprise timezone is in GMT all visual timestamps in the platform will be displayed using this timezone or when selecting dates for reports/campaigns. Regardless of the local timezone the enterprise timezone will be used and displayed.
Please note: Users who have a computer timezone different to the Enterprise Timezone will see a different date and time reflected effective August 2023.
Impacted Areas
The following areas in the platform have been affected by the Time Zone Enhancement.
- Platform Widgets
- Global Leads
- Campaign Leads
- Campaign Start and End Date
- Pausing Campaigns
- Scheduled Delivery
- Report Builder
- Lead Export
- Import and Duplicate Campaign
Feature Enhancements
1. Unified Timestamps:
Users are able to anchor all timestamps to a single timezone which can be configured in the Enterprise section. This will provide a unified view for all instances that an Enterprise may have, despite variations in geographic location.
2. Reporting Clarification:
Users are able to align their reporting timeframes to the Enterprise timezone which makes distinguishing data from multiple geographical locations easier to report on based on the time difference of the Enterprise timezone.
For more information on setting Enterprise Time Zones, please reference the Enterprise Level Timezones article.