Please make sure you have the following details from the client before progressing with the integration:
1. The clients field names
2. clientID
3. clientSecret
4. identityUrl
Setup Process
This process is different to the other process for integrating to Marketo, in the sense that instead it sends data directly to a specific program (or campaign) in Marketo. These are smart campaigns that have been created within Marketo, and ensures leads are collated in one place rather than gathered in a Marketo list.
1. Within your campaign, go to the Processr tab, navigate to Integration and click Add Job.
2. In the dropdown list, select Integrate to Marketo Program.
3. Enter the credentials as provided by the client; this includes the clientID, clientSecret and the identityUrl.
4. In the configuration section, you must fill in the fields as follows:
- Type in your Program Name and click on Search to validate with the API credentials entered. If a record is found it will be displayed in a dropdown. You can select the program name. This chooses the Marketo program you want to integrate to.
- The dedupeField/lookupField entry allows you to overwrite leads already present in Marketo. For example, if you enter an email address and there is already a lead within Marketo with the same email address, the existing lead is updated rather than a new lead being created.
source and reason
- These are optional fields that you can fill in if necessary.
5. Enter the field names provided by the client and map to the Convertr field names.
Please note: The clients field names should be entered on the left and the matching Convertr field names are entered on the right.
6. Once you are done, you will have a configuration that looks similar to below:
7. Click Save once you are done.